
CEO Mwangi, who is this very rude officer at Equity Bank? Fire him!

I had used my logbook (KBH 955Y) to guarantee one Evans Musya Mukulo a loan at Equity Mwingi branch.

Upon completion of loan repayment in 2017, I initiated the process of having the logbook transferred to my name.

I made several inquiries on progress at the branch from 2017 without getting any valid reason why the bank was reluctant to initiate the transfer.

In November 2020 the Mwingi branch finally gave me the NTSA details to make payment to facilitate the transfer.

When later I visited NTSA in 2021 to collect the logbook I was informed that the bank had not facilitated the discharge through the TIMS.

When I visited the Equity Headquarters this year, the person in charge of logbooks was very rude and uncooperative and insisted the bank has no role to play in logbook transfer.

When I went back to NTSA and they tried to  reach the person ( 0763026434) to know why he couldn’t log-in to discharge the logbook he refused to pick the call.

This is a case of violation of my rights as from 2020 have been unable to offer my car for sale as the logbook bears the name of the bank.

COFEK, please assist me – Peter Mutui Mwenze

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