COFEK membership is open to individuals and select bodies (Associations, NGOs,CBOs, SMEs) and even huge corporates. But it is only those who join as a individual members that are eligible to vote at the Federation’s Special and Annual General Meetings.
Membership is by invitation and or application for individuals who do not present potential conflict of interest with the Federation’s objects and memorandum
There are many benefits of joining Cofek membership;
- Apart from networking with peers, you will be eligible to be recommended for appointment on the various parastatal boards
- You have various business opportunities
- Various learning technical exchanges and opportunities
- Enjoy the public interest litigation outputs
- Participate and reap benefits of consumer research, information, education and communication as well as publications
All these at very competitive rates;
Read and accept
Please enroll us/me as an individual member (s) of COFEK. We/I understand that our/my membership is subject to the approval of COFEK Governing Council.
We/I accept, and hereby authorize COFEK to enjoin us/me in any matters relating to the pursuit of good and transparent governance, professionalism, fair practices, and rule of law adherence as relates to consumerism and other related matters on consumer good in Kenya, at the sole discretion of the COFEK Governing Council, and its duly appointed officers. However, we/I reserve the right to reconsider our position prior to being involved in any litigation.
Memberships Levels
- Individual membership – Kshs 10,000 p.a (Plus one-off Sh 2,000 joining fees). Total Sh12,000
- Association/NGO/CBO/SMME – Kshs 80,000 p.a (Plus one-off Kshs 20,000 joining fees). Total Sh100,000
- Corporate Benefactor membership – Kshs.250,000 p.a (plus one-off Kshs.50,000 joining fees). Total Sh300,000
Please send inquiries to;
- Tel: 0715-555-550 or 0733-180-008
- Email:
- Twitter: @cofek_Africa
- Facebook: Consumers Federation of Kenya (Cofek)
- Instagram: @cofek_africa