
The Consumers Federation of Kenya (COFEK) and Management University of Africa (MUA) invite you to a non-residential 3 day certificate course on Consumer Protection and Management. The experiential training is designed to equip participants with the necessary capacity to manage and proactively deal with consumer complaints as relates to Consumer Protection Act,2012 & Article 46 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010.

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Course Details

Modules: Consumer Protection And Management
  • Module 1 –Introduction to Consumer Protection Law and Policies
  • Module 2 – Consumer Rights and Obligations
  • Module 3 – Legislative Framework on Consumer Protection in Kenya
  • Module 4 – Salient Features of Consumer Protection Act, 2012
  • Module 5 – Emerging Issues in Consumer Protection and Law
  • Module 6 – Understanding and Managing Consumer Expectations and Obligations
  • Module 7 – Global Trends and Best Practices in Consumer Protection
  • Module 8 – Consumer Protection, Media Relations and Leadership
  • Module 9 – Case studies and Experience Sharing
  • Module 10 – Examinations and Assessment Tests
Course Objective

Consumer considerations and their protection are very old concepts, but in the last decade there has been a significant development in this branch of law. From Government, Private sector and Civil Society everyone is affected in one way or another by the Consumers Right at Article 46 of the Constitution generally and specifically, the Consumer Protection Act, 2012.

Globalization of trade, market-dominated economy, information revolution and emergence of e-commerce and ICT has further enhanced this process.

A greater importance has been assigned to consumer law at a global basis, Kenya and the region. All these factors have increased more scope for research and advocacy for creating and sustaining a consumer-friendly regulatory framework. The Kenyan legal framework has also undergone a substantial change to comply with the international norms.

The subject has received tremendous importance among the contemporary legal and other professionals fraternity in Kenya. This applies across all sectors of the economy and walks of life.

The Government of Kenya, State Corporations, County Governments, private sector and Civil Society require training, understanding and appreciation of the consumer law in order that they are equipped to meet respective socio-economic expectations.

Against this background, the course introduce the trainees to the existing law and practices relating to consumer protection. It answers the question of quality and reliability of service as well as legitimate expectations of the final consumers of goods and services.

Learning Outcome
  1. Participants will have a comprehensive understanding about the existing law on consumer protection in Kenya.
  2. Participants will be conversant with major international instruments on consumer protection
  3. Participants will be aware of the basic procedures for handling consumer disputes.
  4. Participants will be able to appreciate the emerging questions and policy issues in the Kenya consumer law for current challenges as well as future research.
  5. Participants will be able to integrate consumer protection in the planning and day-to-day running of the business of Government, Private Sector, Civil society and even for Development partners
Teaching Methodology

The teaching of the 3-day course will be conducted by using a combination of methods including;

  • Short lectures
  • Guided readings
  • Experiential learning through cases studies and Focus Group Discussions
  • Written Examination and Assessment Tests

Professionals and practitioners with vast experience in Consumer Law

Besides certificate courses, we will also be offering the following course

  • Diploma in Consumer Protection and Management (1 year)
  • Bachelors Degree Consumer Protection and Management (4 years)

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