
Pain of CIC Insurance for a motorist as their investigator buys time

Dear COFEK: I need your help to reach out to CIC Insurance and the Insurance Regulatory Authority over sleepless nights I have had, for over 4 months, with CIC Group. It is such a painful experience. Please follow the chronology here below;

I am comprehensively insured, and have accident claim to my vehicle KCQ 107*) (Ref. 06/08/2022-01/070/9/004887/2022/09.

On 8/08/2022: Reported accident to Kitale police station of an accident that occurred on 7/08/2022

15/08/2022: Advised by insurer to take the vehicle to garage which I did immediately. Told to wait for an accessor to check the vehicle.

14/08/2022: Lost my wallet in it was my original ID card, Driving License, medical cards, bank ATM cards. Reported at police station and issued police abstract.

11/09/2022: Requested the garage to release vehicle for my use. The owner was not responsive. Valuation has been done and he even has spares ready, told me to be patient until he receives authorization letter.

16/09/2022: Queried about reason for delay, I was informed that I need to agree to ‘that there is applicable contribution on replaced parts Bumper and Tyre.’ I questioned the reason why and my vehicle is comprehensive insured, I was not given reason but advised to agree on email so that my car can be repaired soonest possible. Under duress and protest, I agreed on email. I am still disputing why I have to share cost.

19/09/2022: Met the investigator on a short notice and took morning off my busy work to show him accident scene and wrote my statement. We visited accident scene and my movement on the accident day, took him round at my cost to where he needed to go and he took pictures. Assisted him also to take coordinates. We parted ways in the afternoon.

21/09/2022: The investigator called me and asked for my M-pesa statement and call logs. Immediately shared my mpesa statement within an hour of request, visited within the hour Airtel shop and Safaricom shops in Kisumu. I could not be served since they insisted on original ID. I informed the investigator and he said I share the police abstract on lost item and do an explanation on email which I did immediately. From that point on I knew I had complied with all requirements.

22/08/2022: After this experience I decided to apply for my ID card replacement at West Pokot County Huduma center.

7/10/2022: Informed by my insurer that report has been submitted waiting for repair authorization

30/10/2022: Since there was no communication, requested the garage to release my vehicle. He insisted he cannot release the vehicle since it is in the hands of insurance, I asked him/garage owner for contact of the person to issue me the releasing letter. The garage owner was not cooperative. He said he will have to be paid storage fees before releasing the car.

Visited CiC office in Kitale to enquire more if my car can be released. I was told to contact the broker and they could not share his contact. How frustrating this was, I could not even withdraw my car from garage.

31/10/2022: Managed to contact my handler at KPLC and he asked me to inform the garage to request for re-inspection of vehicle. The garage owner was not responsive.

3/11/2022: Informed the insurer insisting on call logs to be provided. I was surprised since I was sure the matter was concluded.

4/11/2022: While in Nairobi, visited Safaricom shop Yaya center, they shared statement hard copy on request, limit 3 months. Shared with insurer. Visited Prestige plaza Ngong rd Airtel shop, they informed me the statement will be shared on email within 72 hours. Still pending today 23/11/2022. Informed my insurer about it.

10/11/2022: Informed through email that I am not cooperating to produce call logs. I was shocked and replied on the events with the investigator, which have taken place and lack of communication or reference point for my queries. Nobody calls me to inform me or tell me what is happening.

16/11/2022: Investigator calls and says the matter has been sent to him for review. He requested for a copy of my new ID card, application form I made renewal request. He asked if I managed to get call logs, I explained I did that on 4/11/2022 and I am yet to receive response from Airtel.

21/11/2022: Received a call from insurance, they insisted I apply again for call logs. I agreed and immediately travelled to Kitale from Kapenguria, made the application at Airtel shop, they informed me I will get feedback on email with 24 hours. I have checked today 23/11/2022 still pending.

23/11/2022: Received a call from insurance, told them I have not received feedback. Asked what happens if Airtel does not respond in good time, I was not being given an answer, He insists I pressurize Airtel to produce.

I am now stuck. It will be 4 months now still waiting, meanwhile I am still being deducted insurance premium for a vehicle which has stayed in garage for 4 months.

I am looking forward to have this matter concluded. I am seeking Cofek assistance. I have shared sample of correspondences emails. If required I can share more details and can be reached for more clarification on phone or email.

The question in the mind of many mistreated insureds: Is CIC cashflow an issue?

The COFEK questions for CIC Insurance;

(a) Which law allows a private investigator of CIC Insurance to require M-pesa statements and call logs as read together with Article 31(d) CoK?

(b) Why can’t the investigator file his report with the insurer and a decision taken one way or not

(c) Why was the insured forced (under duress) to sign on co-sharing agreement for a comprehensive cover?

(d) Why hasn’t a courtesy car been provided to the insured? 

(e) What is the basis of the garage owner refusing to provide the vehicle to the insured when he knows or ought to know that he is the rightful owner?

(f) Why should a straightforward claim take more than 4 (four) months – and counting?

(g) What offer does CIC have consequential costs and stress incurred by the insured?

(h) Why should unsuspecting Kenyans insure with CIC comprehensively?

(i) Is CIC cashflow an issue – forcing it to use investigators and others to buy time and frustrate the insured(s)?

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