
NuPEA: Nuclear plant in Kilifi County to meet international standards

The Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA) has assured Kenyans that the proposed first plant in Kenya, to be located along River Kibe in Kilifi County, will meet international standards.

Speaking during the Consumer Dialogue Forum-52 on Monday morning at Hotel Titanic, NuPEA’s director for strategy and planning Dr Winfred Ndubai gave the assurance saying that the Kenya government was in the process of reviewing and signing commitments in line with international nuclear generation protocols.

Vice chairman Benjamin Langwen, Dr Fanuel Mugwang’a, Eng Eric Ohaga and Dr Winfred Ndubai. Mr Basset Buyukah (standing left) on June 6, 2022

Dr Ndubai also gave a raft of benefits that will accrue to the host county and community. She lauded Kilifi for being among the few Counties which have developed their County Energy Plans.

On his part NuPEA’s director for nuclear power infrastructure development Eng Eric Ohaga, who doubles up as the President of the Institution of Engineers of Kenya, said South Africa which put up its’ first power plant in 1982 remained an economic superpower.

He said Kenya’s economic prospects will thrive as soon as the plant is completed.

Dr Fanuel Mugwang’a from the Physics department at Pwani University called for active involvement of the universities on enhancing research, training and manpower development of experts around nuclear science and related courses.

Wilfred Baya, an assistant director of energy at the County of Kilifi government assured the public that environmental concerns earlier raised by some quarters had since been rested.

Dr Wangoli Wanjawa and other participants follow the proceedings at the CDF-52

Cofek vice chairman Benjamin Langwen called for consideration of a foreign operator who will ensure that resultant nuclear waste is evacuated outside Kenya. He gave the example of Sweden where the nuclear reactors operate one kilometre below the sea.

Participants were more concerned on environment and capacity development issues.

In his closing remarks Mr Langwen thanked NuPEA for their continued support and said he looked forward to more opportunities of engagement between Cofek and the agency

The meeting was both physical and virtual through Zoom app.

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