
Kenya Airways plane to Heathrow intercepted in a scaring security drama

RAF jets have intercepted a Kenya Airways flight that was diverted to Stansted Airport after a “potential security threat” on board.

The Kenya Airways Boeing 787 was diverted into London Stansted just before 3.45pm. It had been due to land at Heathrow Airport from the Kenyan capital Nairobi.

It is understood two Typhoon jets took over the interception from French jets.

Essex Police were called to the airport and the aircraft landed safely.

Pictures on social media showed an armed officer on board as well as officers outside the plane.

One woman posted on Facebook: “On flight this morning from Nairobi to London Heathrow 45 minutes before we were due to land we were told we [have] been diverted to Stansted[.] [W]hen we arrived in Stansted loads of police cars.

“We’ve been surrounded by all the police. [They have] all got guns all dressed in black and are [IDing] us. Captain hasn’t even said anything.”

Other images showed the plane on the tarmac at Stansted, as well as a number of emergency response vehicles.

A spokesperson for Essex County Fire and Rescue said eight crews were in attendance at the airport.

The airport said the plane was parked at a remote stand away from the terminal.

The Ministry of Defence said the jets were launched “as a precaution this afternoon to investigate a civilian aircraft which was approaching the UK”.

It said the plane “remained in contact with air traffic controllers throughout, and was escorted to Stansted Airport where it landed safely.”

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