
Is PropertyPro a genuine business or another fraud land-selling firm?

I wish you bring to your attention a matter of concern.  There is a site going by the name which I have reason to believe is a platform being used by scammers and fraudsters.

This site advertises houses for rent. I singled out some houses I liked since I am looking for one. When I got in touch with the agents who had put up the houses on the site, they always redirected me to another number belonging to the supposed owner.

When I called these supposed owners, they all had the same story: that house is available but there is someone or many other people interested in it who are coming to pay.

However, if you pay first, the house becomes yours. You can then view the house after you have secured it through a deposit. I have been scammed like this before: paying for a house I haven’t seen yet.

So, when I tell them I cannot pay for the house before I see it, they cut the line on me and refuse further communication.

I have reason to believe these are fraudsters who are conning innocent, unsuspecting Kenyans out of their hard earned money.

To this end, I would like to know if there’s anything you can do about this. Investigate them, perhaps and bring them to account?

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