
New look Cofek identity: What are your views on the same?

Yours truly, Consumers Federation of Kenya (Cofek) has a new look, new focus and direction!

Africa’s premier consumer protection agency has a new logo and will now focus more on embracing partnerships with Government, Private sector, Civil society and Development partners.

“We have come a long way. After our eleventh birthday, its time to move from protests to partnerships. Now that Cofek is a formidable brand which sits at the decision-making tables in government and other non-state actors, we felt its’ time we had a new focus complete with a new logo”. said Cofek Secretary General Stephen Mutoro.

“We are no longer just about Kenya. We have gone beyond the borders. We will focus on Africa as a continent because Kenya’s consumer protection challenges are Africa-wide. We, therefore, hope to engage more with Africa Union and the regional economic blocs. That is why our website is now”, he added.

Speaking at the same time, Cofek Chairman Ephraim Githinji Kanake hailed Cofek’s new direction of embracing Alternative Disputes Resolution (ADR) saying its an idea whose time has come.

“Through ADR, Cofek will be able to resolve disputes between consumers, consumers and businesses and between one business with another. We will charge a modest fee. Already some of our members have benefited from this initiative. We encourage those with challenges to speak to Cofek before they move to Court”, said Mr Kanake.

New focus

Already, businesses are appreciating the Cofek new focus and identity. As a result, Cofek has been invited as a chief guest at the LG Electronics event on June 17.

If companies are launching products and or services, we encourage them to peer-review them at very competitive rates. They can also take advantage of our new Consumer Report Card Forums (CRCF’s).

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