
FY 2024/25 Budget: Education gains as health suffers a Sh20 bn cut

The National Treasury has read out the FY-2024/25 budget estimates giving a whopping Sh656 bn to education.

Sh358.2 bn goes to Teachers Service Commission (TSC), Sh142.3 bn to basic education, Sh128 bn for higher learning and research and Sh30.7 bn for technical and education training. Free primary education got Sh9.1 bn, Sh61.9 bn for free day secondary school, Sh30.7 bn for Junior Secondary School capitation and Sh5 billion for examination fee waiver.

.Sh13.4 bn goes to conversion of 46,000 Junior Secondary School (JSS) interns to permanent and pensionable terms. Sh1.3 bn is to cover training of teachers on Competence Based Curriculum and Sh360 mn for the Digital Literacy program and ICT integration in secondary schools.

The health sector suffered a Sh20 bn cut to settle at Sh127 billion. Sh4.1 bn goes to primary healthcare. Sh861.5 mn will cater for medical covers of the elderly, orphans and vulnerable Kenyans under the social healthcare plan. Sh1.1 billion is set aside for cancer management and diagnosis at the Kenyatta National Hospital and Kisii Level 5 Hospital.

Sh3.7 bn is for medical interns, Sh406 mn for training of health personnel.

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