
Illicit Trade: Stop Crime Kenya (StoCK) campaign to release survey results and host webinar on digital revenue stamps on Friday, March 11

COFEK and Tax Justice of South Africa (TJSA) have been jointly running the Stop Crime Kenya (StoCK) campaign against illicit trade – which is estimated to cost Kenya at least Sh153 bn per annum.

On its part Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has been promoting the use of the digital revenue stamps in stemming illicit trade.

The digital stamps have registered a significant level of success – but they have not been without challenges. Counterfeit stamps have complicated the government mission to cut down on illicit trade as well as enhance revenue generation.

Accordingly, StoCK is hosting a free-entry virtual meeting (webinar) on Friday, March 11 from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm.

The theme will be on the Role of Digital Revenue Stamps in the Fight Against Illicit Trade

Different perspectives of panelists has been sought from KRA, Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) and an IT expert.

Senior KRA Investigations and Enforcement officers Mr Isaac Gachoka and Mr Mutembei Nyagah will make a presentations.

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