
Web of office relationships for a Cooperative Bank employee threaten family and security of customers at Westlands branch

All is not well at the Cooperative Bank of Kenya’s Westlands branch after a man claiming to be a husband to a ‘cheating’ spouse (working at the bank) laid bare some credible evidence linking her to a string of ‘romantic’ relationships with her equals and even her seniors – sadly, including a branch manager.

Mr Samuel Thuku Mwangi, on February 24, wrote a long email and copied to countless number of people – most of them within the bank. He named his ‘wife’ as Caroline Wanjiku.

Using screenshots of of her (car) movements and cash transfers, the man who complained of ‘immeasurable pain at a point of near depression’ catalogued the movements and named the dates and escapades she is alleged to have committed.

He claims the affair began on March 26, 2021. According to the complainant, the duo ‘kissed in the car’

Mr Mwangi claimed to have withheld the ‘explosive information for now’ in what could badly hit the bank’s reputation.

What is worrying for consumers and especially the bank clients in the said branch is the security of those withdrawing large sums of money.

The scare could if such web of relationships ropes in potential criminal gang – who easily know how much you are holding in the bank, when and how much you withdrew – your personal information such as phone and residential address.

Efforts to get the bank to respond through its’ Twitter handle has failed for the past 3 days.

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