
I was mistreated at the Decathlon, at the Hub Mall, lawyer Elfas Etemesi says

I write in my capacity as a sports enthusiast and supporter of the growth of local Rugby and sports affiliate in Kenya further as a diligent customer/client of decathlon the hub mall.

I was accompanied by a Kenya international Rugby player Mohammed Omollo. Despite unprofessionalism from one agent of this company, we managed to successfully purchase a list of products from the shop at The Hub in Karen yesterday 9th March 2022.

Our fiscal receipt was number 1749 00096 Receipt No. 1749 45210 amounting Kshs.43,300.00/=.

I however wish to register my complaint against one staff member by the name “Godfrey” – as was written on his badge. He engaged us with contempt and rudely shouted us down – further proceeding to state that was the right thing to do and he would never apologize for his act nor be remorseful.


The background of the above is as follows: While shopping for our products, we ended up requiring assistance from one of the attendants. We laid our eyes on Godfrey standing alone in one of the aisles.

I approached him to request for his indulgence however to my utter shock I was met with contempt with him looking at me from my head to my toe before he proceeded to shout at me saying “Can you behave yourself; I am attending to another client, I will not talk to you now“.

I was pretty shocked as he was standing there alone, only to hear him shouting again while addressing a man standing across the aisle, 30 meters away from him.

I swiftly walked away and patiently waited for him to finish his conversation. He then concluded his conversation and to our utter dismay he wasn’t bothered about us. I decided to take the step and approach him again.

I categorically apologized for interrupting him while talking to another client and explained to him that he was standing alone that’s why I approached him.

I then proceeded to register my dissatisfaction with the way he handled me with contempt and that he shouldn’t behave in such a manner towards any party be it a customer or a staff even when they are on the wrong.


He then looked at me with disgust, from head to toe and said there is nothing I can tell him and that how he is – that he only apologizes when he feels like it.

I removed my phone, turned on the camera and told him that it was not proper and he unequivocally stated that “he was not remorseful and that he wouldn’t apologize, all this time addressing me with contempt and not willing to assist us make our purchase.

I proceeded to a guard on duty and requested that I be shown the duty manager. I was directed to a gentleman – who directed me to one lady by the Name Naomi. She willingly assisted me purchase the products I wanted and guided me accordingly.

I thereafter registered my dissatisfaction with the way Godfrey had handled us – myself and Mohammed. She was remorseful and stated that she would address him.

During the same transaction as we were going around our shopping, I overheard Godfrey stating that “Hawa ni attention watafuta, na kuwindow shop” translated to mean “these are just attention seekers and window-shoppers”.

A statement which I found very disrespectful considering our intention was just to purchase equipment and leave.

With the help of the manager, Naomi, myself and Mohammed proceeded to purchase what we wanted and leave the store.

These chronology and facts can be confirmed by a look at your CCTV footage and an amateur recording on my phone.


I was disrespected and addressed with contempt by one Godfrey, an agent of Decathlon sports Kenya Limited the Hub.

He proceeded to treat us in a juvenile manner by shouting us down and refusing to assist us make our purchase.

These acts by the said agent are uncouth to say the least. Such uncultured and unpolished behavior should never be tolerated by any company or institution.

Treating someone with contempt, denigration and degrading them just from their appearance has never been the culture of mature and of age sales persons/agents or company.

To this end, we request that that Decathlon handles this matter with urgency and seriousness it deserves to prevent any future repeat of such.

In my possession is an amateur phone recording of the conduct by Godfrey and him stating categorically that he is not sorry for shouting us down, treating us with contempt and unequivocally stating he is not remorseful and we shouldn’t expect an apology from him. This video can be shared upon request.

We hope to hear from you soon.

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